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Old 01-06-2006, 08:25 AM
Richard Spooner Richard Spooner is online now
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Join Date: 03-14-2005
Posts: 31
Problem with begin date

I am using Appointments to record birthdays.

i) I set the Begin Date to the persons birthday.
ii) I set recurring to 1 year.
iii) I set reminder to 0 minutes.
iv) I get a reminder (because was event create in the past)
v) The Original Begin date is automatically set.
vi) The new Begin Date is automatically set.

The problem I am seeing is that occasionally the new begin date is being set incorrectly. For example in step i I set Begin Date to 12/09/1992, once the first reminder is dismissed the new Begin Date is set to 13/09/2006 not 12/09/2006 as expected.

Note that this appears only to occur with some dates.

What am I doing wrong?
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