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Old 01-08-2006, 03:37 PM
srdiamond srdiamond is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2004
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Originally posted by lerognon

I've been able to modify an incompatible skin to work with U.R.
- Go to and download their free SkinStudio
- Load your skin
- Go to Controls/TreeView Expander
- Delete the Image
- Save & reload the modified skin

Sure you loose the little customization of the Internet Explorer Tree at the same time. But you don't have to exclude U.R. from W.B. any more.

This does work, which I find is very good news. To elaborate a bit on the method, you need to select the tree view expander, right click, and choose "remove section." The "Treeview Expander" element then becomes gray, because the element cannot be romoved. Although you have selected "remove section," you have only removed the removable part of an otherwise mandatory section.

What you remove is a small bitmap, which represents the collapsed and uncollapsed states of an Explorer tree (Windows Explorer not just Internet Explorer). Each Windowblinds scheme typically has its stylized way of representing the collapsed and expanded states of a tree node. When you remove the bit map, the representation just reverts to the Windows default, which is a plus and minus sign.

[Why does UR's Data Explorer choke on the Windowblinds tree bitmap? The conflict does not occur merely because this interface element is changed. If you take an MS Style (which can be applied in various ways, the easiest being the tgtsoft utility), it may change the expander icon, but there's no conflict. Put the MS Style in Skin Studio and convert it to Windowblinds format and the result is that the same interface element creates a conflict in Data Explorer.]

Last edited by srdiamond; 01-08-2006 at 03:43 PM.
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