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Old 01-09-2006, 02:07 AM
srdiamond srdiamond is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2004
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 126
Knowing what to look for, it seems easy to see something of the nature of the conflict between WB and UR. If you load a conflicting WB skin and look at the Data Explorer, you see that the tree expander icons are way too big. Either UR doesn't read the size correctly or WB fails to adapt to the small print in Data Explorer.

[This suggests a test that I haven't tried. If you increase the size of the font in Data Explorer, will it work right? The user can't currently do the experiment. Could that be the problem? Does WB expect (because of some mis-synaling) that the host application will have the internal resources to size fonts? In other words, WB should be set so that it omits UR from skinning the expander icon, because it can only skin sizable fonts? A non-programmer's guesswork, fwiw.]
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