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Old 01-12-2006, 06:34 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
Posts: 825
The reason your search is not working as expected is the indented OR criteria row.

All the AND criterias are not indented, but the OR clause is, meaning all the AND criteria must be true or just the one OR clause (which is obviously not your intent).

The solution for that particular search would be to not indent the OR clause, but indent all the ANDed Icon comparisons so they are indented together.

This will cause the two ORed clauses to be one expression, and all the indented icon clauses will be another (with the first AND relationship at that indent level defining the relationship these two expressions).

Back to your original question: Another more definitive way to create an Advanced Search for web pages, would be a search on a DocType value of <= 2. DocType is an internal value (turned off by default) that reflects the type of data the document is. You can enable display of this attribute at Tools | Options | Attributes <tab>, by checking it in the list.
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