Thread: searching woes
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Old 01-12-2006, 10:54 PM
igoldsmid igoldsmid is online now
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searching woes

Although seaching in UR has some incredibly powerful features, some aspects of it are a REAL DRAG. For example - having got an initial hit list of documents that contain the desired term(s) and/or attributes - and especially where one is looking for terms in the item detail or notes, one has to then perform another search to find each term within each item detail and/or note. To do that you have to invoke the little windows-explorer-like window, then find each term one at a time.

The first efficiency, frustration-reducing thing would be to provide a search mechanism embedded in the item detail and item notes panes - with at least the absolute minimum functionality of the existing pop up windowlet. But ideally this-embedded-in-a-toolbar-search-mechanism would also contain a highlighting button, and even a search term selection property, such that when there were multiple search terms involved you could select one or more of them to highlight. This then is functionality kinda-like we've already had on google toolbars and the-like on IE & Firefox - indeed Firefox has an extension that puts a search box in the status bar which is very basic but it makes for a lot of efficiency in searching within long web-pages..
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