Thread: searching woes
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Old 01-13-2006, 08:20 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: searching woes

Originally posted by igoldsmid
The first efficiency, frustration-reducing thing would be to provide a search mechanism embedded in the item detail and item notes panes - with at least the absolute minimum functionality of the existing pop up windowlet.
Here's what I use for this:

It's a free app that adds Firefox-style "Find as you type" functionality to all IE browser windows and rich edit controls, including the internal UR browser and text editor.

But ideally this-embedded-in-a-toolbar-search-mechanism would also contain a highlighting button, and even a search term selection property, such that when there were multiple search terms involved you could select one or more of them to highlight. This then is functionality kinda-like we've already had on google toolbars and the-like on IE & Firefox - indeed Firefox has an extension that puts a search box in the status bar which is very basic but it makes for a lot of efficiency in searching within long web-pages..
This is on our list. Due to the many document types that can be stored in UR, this is not so simple. Another complication with highlighting search terms in the text editor is that the user can also highlight text there (it's not read-only like a browser).
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