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Old 01-13-2006, 09:08 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
Posts: 825
A Matches Wildcard *@* criteria will find any page with @ in any keyworded text, Contains Keywords @ will find any keyword starting with @, so the two will find overlapping results.

I ran your first search on my personal .urd file, and I can't find any Info Items where it found pages that didn't contain a @ somewhere (I was checking the keywords and found at least 1 for each Info Item - I didn't check them all, however as I found 450 matches).

At any rate, I can't imagine how that could occur, if you can copy one or two Info Items that were erroneously matched by the first search to a new .urd file (copy the search used as well), please ZIP and email it to for our review.
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