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Old 01-13-2006, 01:58 PM
gblazz gblazz is online now
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Originally posted by kevina
Currently this is not possible, although it is on our todo list. Using Categorized ordering will group attributes by category (alphebetized within the category). You can also name/rename non-system attributes, prefixing with a letter or number to kind of fudge it.
I thought about the renaming, using 001FieldName, 002FieldName - and it will work with non-system Attributes, but if I want to include in an eMail template I made: From, To, CC and a created message date field, then I can only mod the non-system date field I made, and CC will be the next on the list prior to From and To.

From being ahead of To works ok, and my Date field naturally sorts above the From, but having the CC ahead of everything, or at least being first after the Date is less intuitive for data entry.

Look forward to this being accomodated if at all possible in future updates.

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