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Old 01-16-2006, 12:51 AM
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Actually I would prefer to have Ultra Recall use MSWord to display and edit .doc files within Ultra Recall. The problem I had was that, no matter what extensions I had in my list, MSWord would only open lined or stored documents externally on my laptop.

However, after much investigation, I finally got to the root of the problem. The security settings for MSWord on my laptop caused a dialog box about disabling/enabling macros to appear whenever MSWord was launched. This opening dialog must require MSWord to open externally. Changing the security settings for MSWord solved the problem.

There may be other situations for which MSWord requires an opening dialog that could also cause this behaviour, so it's something other users should be aware of if they wish to to have Ultra Recall use MSWord to display or edit .doc files internally.

Interestingly, during my investigations, I think I managed to re-produce the behaviour experienced by dasymington, whereby stored documents, being viewed internally in UR, are read-only. This only happens with stored documents when I have .doc in the "File extensions to display in internal browser view" but not in the "File extension to open stored documents writeable" list.

Strictly speaking, the documents are editable, but not saveable except with a different name. so you inevitably get the Save As... dialog when you move away from them. I was unable to find settings that allowed me to view documents but not change them. This would be very useful for for reading or copying the text without the inconvenience of having to deal with the Save/Save As... dialog.
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