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Old 01-17-2006, 12:15 AM
Taxi Taxi is online now
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Posts: 24
I have UR1.4a, XP-SP2 and Word 2003 on both computers and have, since been able to reproduce the behaviour on both of them by changing the Tools| Macros|Security settings in MSWord.

Security level was initially set to "Medium - You can choose ...", and the problem was solved by changing to "High- only signed macros ..." as the macro is something I wrote myself that I trusted!

The macro in question is very simple but it is located in a global template that is loaded whenever MSWord is started to provide facilites (like keyboard shortcuts) that I want to use all the time. Consequently, the behaviour applies to every MSWord document, (but only if MSWord is not already loaded (which was the clue that allowed me to identify the cause)

What actually happens is; on selecting an MSWord item in the Date Explorer pane, the warning dialog "Security Warning" - Macros may contain viruses... [Disable Macros]/[Enable Macros]/[More Info] appears over the UR Window and is followed by another MSWord dialog "The command cannot be performed because a dialog box is open ... " [OK]. After Cicking on [OK] then [Enable Macros] MSWord opens externally and loads the selected document.
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