Thread: GTD Template
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Old 01-18-2006, 09:25 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: GTD Template

Sorry for the long delay in responding to these questions, your post must have been overlooked.

Originally posted by wussery
Protyping a template seems to be easier in Ecco Pro also. I haven't quite mastered modifying the Template Items that come with the default template in UR.
If you have specific questions about modifying templates that aren't answered at, please post them here.

In addition, I can't seem to move the windows around and STICK them where I would like them. The logic is hard to figure out. As a matter of fact, I am trying to get my windows in UR back to the default setup, but can't seem to find out how to do it.
UR implements docking "stickers" (V-shaped buttons that appear when you drag a pane) to assist docking the panes where you want them. Just drag and drop a pane's caption onto one of these buttons to dock it at the left, top, bottom, right, or as another tab of the UR window or another pane. When you drag the mouse cursor over one of the stickers, the GUI will also show a blue background where dropping will place the pane. Press Esc while dragging to cancel the drag operation.

Panes can also be closed, undocked/floated, or auto-hidden (and automatically shown when hovering or activated) in almost limitless configurations. See for more details.

See for details on resetting customizations to their default settings.

The flexibility that is available can make it a little confusing at first, but with a little practice you should be able to achieve what you need. If you still have specific questions about it, please let us know.
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