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Old 01-20-2006, 10:26 AM
danson danson is online now
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Join Date: 01-10-2006
Posts: 96
Editing System Attributes / Custom Forms

I take it by definition System Attributes are not editable / renameable?

I'm from the UK. We don't have States but rather Countys. I was looking to change this to a generic name "Province" so that it will work internationally. However this doesn't seem possible.

So I've tried adding a different attribute, non-system but the downside is i can't add it into the form section in the middle of the contact view (Item Details). Is that possible?

Is it possible to make custom forms to ease data entry into other templates? It would be really cool to have a drag and drop facility from the Item Attributes pane into the Item Details pane to create relocateable and resizeable form elements.

Even templates where the item details is free word processing space could have a bit at the top to insert some more important form fields.

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