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Old 01-21-2006, 05:46 PM
danson danson is online now
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Join Date: 01-10-2006
Posts: 96
Completed Status that is hidden

Dear Kinook,

I like to know what has been done for a particular project. But I don't necessarily want to have my view of what needs doing cluttered up by all the things that have been done.

May I propose a 'view' option whereby you can choose to view or hide completed items?

I don't know whether or not these completed items are simply one's with a "red tick mark" flag. I don't see any reason why not to use that.

However when you tick something, it effectively disappears from the data explorer. You can select to view completed items if you want to (perhaps on an item by item basis or globally).

Most of the time you just want to see what is outstanding, but by keeping (and hiding) completed items you can easily refer back to previous items for reference.

Current implementations I have seen have a 'Completed' folder. However this does not keep information about WHERE that item was before it was completed and to which project it belonged (without entering extra data of course).

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