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Old 01-22-2006, 01:25 AM
Taxi Taxi is online now
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Join Date: 12-31-2005
Location: UK
Posts: 24
Perhaps my projects are not so complicated, but I find that the power of 'Logical Linking' provides the necessary facilities to keep track of things that have not yet been done.

I have created child folders named 'Things to be done' for each project and linked all the oustanding tasks to become children of this folder. This approach can be extended by creating sub-folders named "Priority 1", "Priority 2", etc.

When these things have been done, they can simply be unlinked from the 'Things to be done' folder (or the link can be moved to a 'Completed' folder) without making any other structural changes, so retaining information about WHERE that item was before it was completed or to which project it belonged.

The 'Things to be done' folder can then be used to access and process each of the outstanding items 'in-situ' with any changes being reflected in the linked copies to be found when exploring other parts of the data tree.

I'm slightly reluctant to support the idea of hiding items as this can cause confusion when you're looking for something and you've forgotten to remove the 'filter'.
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