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Old 01-22-2006, 05:02 PM
danson danson is online now
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Join Date: 01-10-2006
Posts: 96
Options are always nice - people work in different ways.

My Revied opinions after hearing from you guys:

1. Hiding - ok this could be a bad idea since things might get lost.

2. "Pre-linking" into a "Things to do" folder requires too much effort. Every addition requires a linking.

So how about this (at least as one option

When you mark something as completed it moves to the bottom of the folder that it is in and appears sruckout (line through the centre).


1. At a glance you know it's not something you need to pay attention to.
2. It's still visible and readable.
3. It's automatically out of the way, leaving important, outstanding tasks at the top of the list. *

Whatever ordering was applied to the list should still be present in the completed items at the bottom of the list.

One related request - it would be nice to have the 'flag' column be shown on certain folders and not globally. Some things are task lists, others are not.

How's that?
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