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Old 01-23-2006, 02:49 PM
lsebba lsebba is online now
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Join Date: 01-16-2005
Posts: 30
Nice idea, but iyou are right, it is not possible at present, as i undertand it.

I guess that for me, the "search results" is generally good enough. My one concern about using the search template too extensively is that I may run the risk of "losing" an item. If it is assigned to one parent, and then appears in mutliple searches, the temptation is to think of it as really being logically linked to the "parent", when in fact it is only there as a result of the search. There is the risk of removing it from its true parent, and then deleting it, because one forgets that it is not truly logically linked to the search. To me, that would be the major value of what you are suggesting.
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