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Old 01-26-2006, 01:48 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Providing an alternative method to copy or move items from one database to another will not change the performance of the operation. We can look at the actual cross-database copy/move code to try to further optimize the performance, but in our tests, the time to copy or move seems reasonable.

All of our tests verify that Ultra Recall does honor cross-database "moving" -- in other words, the delete part of "move" operations does occur, and is undoable. Also, doing a cut then paste in a different database also functions as expected (the cut objects are deleted).

What steps did you use to "move" the Info Items? Can you reproduce the behavior of "moved" items not being deleted from the source Info Database? If so, please create a small sample source .urd and send it to with instructions on how to reproduce and we'll take a look.
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