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Old 01-30-2006, 08:58 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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The "Click here to open linked document" hyperlink will only be displayed when the "linked" document is available (ie. the document referenced by the url attribute exists). If the url attribute references a file on a cd, and the cd is removed, that link is expected not to be displayed.

When I try to open the stored document document I receive the above error message, but the document will open.
In the above statement, you say you get the error, but "...the document will open". Did you mean the document will NOT open, or is Ultra Recall functioning normally but just showing the "database is locked error"?

The extra file(s) with names related to your .urd file are journal files (created by the database engine used by Ultra Recall when changes are made) or cache files. Both of them should be cleaned up automatically when the Ultra Recall application is exited.
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