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Old 09-11-2003, 06:31 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
Command shell capabilities such as internal commands like echo, dir, copy, etc., and multiple commands (&), piping (|), and redirection (> >>) are implemented by the Command Interpreter (cmd.exe). Prefix your command string with '%DOSCMD% ' to have it run under the command interpreter and enable this functionality; otherwise VBP will attempt to execute the program 'echo'. This is the explanation from the 'Run Program' help topic (looks like it needs to be updated to mention & as well):

Note: To run batch files (.bat), command scripts (.cmd), or individual shell commands, the command should be prefixed with the DOSCMD system macro (i.e., %DOSCMD% "C:\MyBatch.bat" arg1 arg2 or %DOSCMD% copy "%PROJDIR%\Test.exe" \\server\deploy) so that the command is executed under a command shell/interpreter. Also, if you need to redirect (> or >>) or use piping (|) on the output of an executable, the command should also be prefixed with DOSCMD, since the command interpreter is what implements redirection/piping.
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