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Old 02-05-2006, 11:48 AM
sobko sobko is online now
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Join Date: 01-11-2006
Posts: 22
over the last month, I have tried every possible outlining package. for now at least, I have settled on mindmanager. I really liked many aspects of ultrarecall, and will likely try it again in the future.

I've been a user interface / human factors engineer for about 6 years for financial companies, so I am always trying to figure out the best way to solve these types of problems.

my personal opinion is that UltraRecall is *too* freeform -- instead of trying to solve specific task problems, you provide a very flexible method for solving any problem, but in a suboptimal way.

All of the programs i've tried have this problem. I think that's why people love to play with these outlining programs, but noone seems to consistently use one to run there lives.

Ultrarecall could solve this by having template modules that provide functionality rather than providing simply a list of attributes. As an example, lets say you had a "Project" module, which automatically has "tasks", "contacts", and "documents" subnodes. these subnodes wouldn't have tree nodes as children. Instead, they would have outline lists that appear on the right-hand details screen.

Tasks might let you make a heirarchical list of tasks, but would not allow you to attach subnodes. the same with documents. contacts would allow you make a non-hierarchical list of contacts, and might have links to

your product has some really great concepts, and I expect it to be the best in class in the near future, especially because of the time you take to gather feedback from your users.
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