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Old 09-11-2003, 07:01 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Pre .NET, it's difficult to find a definitive naming of these version fields (if anybody has some precedent on that it would be helpful as this affects the Make VC6 action as well), but in the .NET era Microsoft seems to have changed their mind on their naming. These search hits provide some insight into this issue:

If you follow the first thread, it comes down to this: The ECMA standard (which Microsoft submitted parts of .NET to) says MSDN (generally) says

Since the current VS.NET documentation has, I can see an argument for changing VBP to match that, and we'll consider doing that (or maybe we'll just call them field 3 and 4 :^). For now, the important thing is that, whatever you decide to call them, you can increment either field from VBP.
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