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Old 02-07-2006, 11:12 PM
glw1 glw1 is online now
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Question Special charactefrs in Quick vs Advanced search

I have a document stored in the Ultra Recall database that includes, as a reference, the string “DP/51S1”. Ultra Recall is set to index words containing digits and, as a matter of fact, I have “synchronized” this particular info item several times.

However, when I try to find this document with “Quick Find” using the reference string mentioned above, I get no matching items. If I search for only “DP” for even “DP/” the search returns every item in the database that contains these characters, including the desired one. However, as soon as I include the “5” in the search, I get “Zero Matching Items”. On the other hand, if I try an “Advanced Search” for “DP/5”, Ultra Recall immediately “finds” the corresponding document.

I have tried looking in the help files for an explanation of this behaviour (maybe the “/” character acts as some sort of an “end of string” delimiter) but without any results so far. So, my questions:

- Is this behaviour to be expected or is there something that is not working correctly?
- Is there any way to overcome this problem, short of an “Advanced Search”
- Is there, somewhere in the Help file, a list of characters that cannot be included in a search string?

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