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Old 02-08-2006, 07:15 PM
dasymington dasymington is online now
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Originally posted by dasymington
I said the template was based on the text template but it's actually based on the document template and has somehow got .rtf in the URL attribute; that explains the URL error on synchronization.
However, more seriously, if I remove the URL attribute from the template, the item contents of ALL THE ITEMS BASED ON THIS TEMPLATE get deleted. This is a serious drawback and I'm glad I spotted it in time to undo it.

Is this meant to happen? Why would removing the URL attribute from the template delete the item contents of all items based on that template? The contents didn't come from a URL; they were typed into UR.

Unfortunately, this means I can't re-keyword the items that haven't got keywords from the item title because synchronization fails because of the URL error. Is there any other way to get these items re-keyworded, preferably without changing the Date Modified because I use that attribute a lot in my queries.
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