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Old 02-08-2006, 10:36 PM
kevina kevina is online now
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Join Date: 03-27-2003
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The stored content for any Info Item based on the Document template is associated with the Url attribute, which should be not be deletable (in this case Ultra Recall should prevent the Url attribute from being deleted). If you can delete this attribute, then something is wrong (can you copy this Info Item to a new .urd file and send it to for our review?).

Actually, Item Titles should always be keyworded (even though the system attribute properties indicates they are not). Perhaps the sample requested above will indicate why it wasn't in your case. The initial v1.4c release wasn't rekeywording the Item Title attribute value when an Info Item was Synchronized. The v 1.4c download file has been updated to fix this issue. After installing the this v1.4c build, UltraRecall.exe will be at version (viewable at Help | About | Install Info).

The Synchronize feature will re-retrieve the data specified by the url attribute if a value is specified (which is why you encountered the url not found error). To Synchronize the Info Item you describe, delete the url value (not the attribute!) since it isn't a valid url anyway. Then Synchronize will function as expected.

One note: you can use a search criteria of "Dundee Office XP Upgrade" (the dbl-quotes are the key) in a Quick Search to do a Matches Wildcard search on attribute values and keywords. This will accomplish the search you were attempting even if the keywords are not present (the equivalent of an Advanced Search with a criteria of: (Item) Matches Wildcard *critera*). The help file will be updated in the near future to better document this Quick Search feature.
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