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Old 02-09-2006, 08:29 PM
glw1 glw1 is online now
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Join Date: 10-31-2005
Posts: 4
Are there any technical reasons for this? Any chance you will change it anytime soon?

The reason I ask is that I generally use various “mnemonic tags” in the documents that I store in “Ultra Recall” and then I search for these instead of just for words in order to increase the relevance of the “hits” that I get when searching, and these “tags” include non-alphanumeric characters. If Ultra Recall indexes "words", I cannot see any reason why a “word” cannot simply be defined as “anything between two spaces” (with the possible limitation of it being at least 3 characters in length) and let a “word” contain any characters whatsoever. At least give us the option to index words that include these non alphanumeric characters as an option, as you do in the case of words containing digits. By limiting “words” to only alpha (with digits included only by choice) and not allowing "words" containing non-alphanumeric characters to be indexed, you do limit (unnecessarily so) the flexibility of the program and, as mentioned above, I cannot think of any technical reason why.
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