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Old 02-14-2006, 08:28 AM
Durtybirds Durtybirds is online now
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Join Date: 02-13-2006
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Posts: 4
I found the answer. We dont allow the developers to check in thier .sln files. With that said this also means I dont get the csproj.webinfo file. I got around this error by doing the following

I added a Write file step above the Make VS.Net proj. In this file I write the following

<Web URLPath = "http://localhost/NetworkActivityReports/NetworkActivityReports.csproj" />

I then save the file as NetworkActivityReports.csproj.webinfo

I then call the project via its path c:\NetworkActivityReports\NetworkActivityReports.c sproj

This allows me to compile and set the output directory.

Does anyone see any issues with the way I am compiling this project ? The code works after compiling.
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