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Old 02-16-2006, 03:17 PM
glw1 glw1 is online now
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Join Date: 10-31-2005
Posts: 4

The symbols that I use for “tags” include # and /. However, if would seem to me that there are other symbols that *should* be keyworded such as, *at least*: @, $, %, &, -, _, and \, as these are many times included in words that the user would want to be indexed as a whole. Perhaps you could give us the option to include these characters also as you do with digits

The way searches work in Ultra Recall, I don’t think it would matter whether punctuation characters were included as part of an indexed “word”, as the program searches for hits “left to right”, so that, for example, a search for “andr” will find not only “andr”, but also “Andrew”, “android”, and other “words” beginning with “andr”, no matter how they end. Therefore, it will not really matter if trailing punctuation symbols were included in keywords.

Regarding the alternative solutions that you propose, I use the “user keywords” feature only for documents that I link into Ultra Recall (and which, usually, I cannot modify, such as Acrobat documents), to add the keywords that are special to me. However, I much prefer to include keywords and tags directly in the documents that I generate specifically to be imported into Ultra Recall, as this is a one-step, automatic, process when I import the document into the database instead of having first to import and then set specific attributes or “user keywords”. Feasible, but not as convenient as the other possibility.
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