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Old 02-20-2006, 08:39 PM
lsebba lsebba is online now
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Join Date: 01-16-2005
Posts: 30
hoisting etc

I have two thoughts on this topic:

The first is that the issue is not really navigating through a large tree, as much as it is moving items around in a large tree. I do not find it that difficult to naviagte the tree. I find it very cumbersome to try to move, copy or logically link an item over a large distance. This would most easily be solved for me by having the ability to have two Data Explorere panes, that one could drag and drop across.

The second is that I frequently find myself trying to logically link an item across a distance, and then find that I do not have the appropriate parent to link it to. The ability to create a folder on the fly in the data explorer pane would be great.
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