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Old 02-23-2006, 04:51 AM
Alexey Alexey is online now
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Join Date: 02-17-2006
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 14
VB6: build project and re-build referenced projects when needed

Suppose we have a VBP-file (Standard EXE, for example) with several references: some pointing to ready-made components (e.g. MSCOMCT2.OCX etc) and some - to "self-made" components whose VB-sources (and binaries as well) are stored somewhere on the hard disk (and in VSS too). Suppose I make changes in source code of such "self-made" component (ActiveX DLL, for example) and perform its check-in to VSS, but do not compile the DLL-file. Then I perform "Make VB6" action for the EXE-project. It will just compile its own EXE because it doesn't know about the necessity to recompile the referenced DLL (whose code has recently changed).

My question is: how can I make the EXE compilation step become more "intelligent" and understand that the referenced DLL needs to be rebuilt? is VBG the only way-out?
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