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Old 03-12-2006, 02:35 PM
alx alx is online now
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Join Date: 01-21-2005
Posts: 37
Hi Chris,

A rather simplistic workaround I just tried is to copy/paste the source code into a UR text item, i.e. Open .html file in browser and View Source or open directly in a text editor; Select All, Copy and Paste as Text into an already created text item.

In fact, I've made a text template with Courier (monospace) font so that the content looks more like code.

This is far from an elegant solution, of course; the worst part comes when exporting. As far as I've tested, UR will export the item as RTF, which is useless, so copy/pasting seems again the only way out.

I take this opportunity to suggest to Kinook to add a default plain text template and the ability to import/export plain text as plain text. In that case, an HTML, PHP or whatever code file may be selected as a plain text document and imported as such.

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