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Old 03-15-2006, 06:07 PM
daveg92656 daveg92656 is online now
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Join Date: 03-09-2006
Location: Irvine, CA.
Posts: 4
thanks for answering!!

Thanks for getting back to me. We will probably be using PLink, but I have a question on the Telnet process through VBP. I can connect to the Telnet server through VBP, but then get disconnected, immediately afterwards.

I don't really understand (Sorry!!) the format for the Telnet script from the VBP helpfile and the examples.

This is a quote from the VBP help file (Telnet Action script section),

"Script: A script to execute, with one response match or send string per line (required) in the form:

[!]<initial server string to match>
<send string>
[!]<response string to match>
<send string>
[!]<response string to match>"

What does all this mean? "with one response match..."? I have searched online for telnet commands and command line commands, but nothing helped in this situation.

Using VBP, I am able to connect to the Telnet server, but as soon as it does, it disconnects me. Here is what I see,
in the VBP Output window.

Connecting to Telnet server 'servername' on port 23

<= Received from server:

*================================================= ==============
Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Server.
*================================================= ==============
C:\Documents and Settings\username>

Response did not match server\username@

3/15/2006 2:46:21 PM: Step 'Telnet Access to Server - Deploy Server' failed"

Here is the script I am using in the Telnet action script properties.


Which I would think this just logs onto the remote server using my username then passes the "dir" command to the telnet window, which should just list the directories?

But obviously I have something wrong, the syntax or format? what is "inital server string to match" supposed to represent?

[!]<initial server string to match>
<send string>
[!]<response string to match>
<send string>

Does anyone have any ideas on this? Some setting in VBP? I can run and do everything using just the command line, but when I run through VBP, I get disconnected.

Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks again, Dave.
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