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Old 03-28-2006, 07:40 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
There is a fair amount of overhead to parse each message (and attachments) for keywords and other info, and supporting undo/redo also adds overhead. Some things that could speed up importing would be disabling the options under 'Tools | Options | Import (More) | File Import' and/or similar options on the Import Wizard (depending on how you are importing). Of course, you'll lose some functionality by doing that. Encrypting your database also adds some overhead.

But that averages out to about 10 seconds per message, which seems high, and 30 seconds is excessive to import just one or two. How large are the messages being imported? Are the databases located on network shares or local paths? What kind of hardware (CPU & HD) are your systems? I have an AMD 64 x2 Dual Core desktop w/ 2GB RAM and RAID0 HD, and I averaged about 3 messages per second to import 350 messages (ranging in size from 1K to 175K) from Outlook Express to a 100MB unencrypted database on a local drive (and 15 seconds to permanently delete).
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