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Old 03-28-2006, 03:38 PM
kzerba kzerba is online now
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Join Date: 02-05-2005
Posts: 11
Some of the 2500 emails were large. Email is one of my biggest headaches and I was experimenting with possibly scaling up in use of UR to manage my emails more effectively and reduce the headache. I don't want to lose the functionality of the import options to enhance the speed of the import.

Import context: IBM T30 laptop, Pentium M 1.5GHz processor, 512 mb ram, 37 GB hd with 7 GB free, local paths, no encryption, urd file size 32 mb.

To make an import comparable to your 350 email example, I selected emails < 200 kb from the 2500 and then took a representive sample of 350 from those (size 1-192 kb). This import took 15.5 min or 1 email every 2-3 sec, which is closer to your result.

So, size does matter, but so do the obvious things such as processor, ram, hd speed, etc. This experiment has taught me some things that I will consider in deciding how many emails at one time, which sizes of email and when to import to UR.

One thing I noticed is that if I import as a folder with the emails in the folder, UR always leaves one email in the folder that was imported. If I import as files just selecting the emails from the folder all is fine.

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