Thread: CVS no password
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Old 10-30-2003, 12:04 PM
sw.slave sw.slave is online now
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Join Date: 10-29-2003
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Posts: 5
All of the steps you mention i have tried and am still left with the same result. I even tried setting the password in the supplied property page text box but that then tells me that the user <username>:<password> does not exists.

You said that VBP wraps the cvs command line application. I am able to perform all actions from the command line in all of the directories I have tested, which includes the path I am trying to checkout to using VBP. I have removed all macros related to CVS from my build script to ensure that using the command line and VBP use the same env vars, still it says there is no password.

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