Thread: CVS no password
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Old 10-31-2003, 01:52 PM
sw.slave sw.slave is online now
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Join Date: 10-29-2003
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Posts: 5
I have been using WinCVS 1.2 as my cvs client. I just upgraded to the 1.3 beta. Still I have the problem with no password if I don't supply one, but at least I am able to put a password in now without it raising the error - unknown user <username>:<password>.

FYI - As of version 1.3 WinCVS's cvs.exe no longer creates a .cvspass file but stores the required info in the HKCU\SOFTWARE\CVSNT\cvsnt registry key, CVS_PASSFILE now has no affect.

As for the command line output. I took the output from VBP (without a password) and pasted into the command line console - it didn't work. I replaced the -d :pserver... option with %CVSROOT% and it worked. I to be sure that the contents of CVSROOT and the built CVSROOT of VBP were the same I took the value of my env var CVSROOT and put it into the command line. This didn't work either. So I called cvs login -d :pserver... and logged in. After that the command line without a env var and VBP works.

Last edited by sw.slave; 10-31-2003 at 02:04 PM.
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