Thread: searching woes
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Old 06-26-2006, 08:39 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
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The phrase "I also am frustrated that one cannot highlight the search result in the item pane." contains two words which are (by default) in the list of keyword exclusions: 'the' and 'that'. A quick search normally searches on keywords only, so it won't match since those words aren't keyworded. It probably does make sense for UR to also exclude excluded keywords entered in a quick search from the actual search (I guess we didn't anticipate users typing in long search phrases verbatim but instead to just enter meaningful words). For now, the options are:
1) Don't include non-keyworded words in the quick search (for instance, typing 'frustrated cannot highlight search result' would find the item)
2) Remove all words from the keyword exclusion list (Tools | Keyword Exclusions); it will also be necessary to re-sync an existing item with that text to re-keyword the content, but then a quick search for the entire phrase will find it.
3) Perform an advanced search of Item Text matches wildcard *the phrase* (if the phrase is in the detail text) or (Item) matches wildcard *the phrase* (if the phrase is in an attribute).

Our goal was to make quick searches very, well, quick, but also to balance that with keeping the size of the database as small as possible, so the compromise we made was to exclude the most common words from being indexed. The side effect is that quick searches containing those common words don't get matched. Until now, we didn't realize this was a problem, but we'll fix that.

Highlighting of search results and wiki linking are also still on our list for a future release.
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