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Old 11-05-2003, 08:10 PM
eric.zarko eric.zarko is online now
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Unhappy Bugs in 5.1

Thanks for a great response in getting this added to 5.1 guys. Unf. you've got a few bugs.

First of all there are some typos in vbld_FileDateModified that break it completely.
614: "time" s/b "Time"
617: "time" s/b "Time", in date format need "M" not "m"
621: "time::local" s/b "Time::Local"

Second, you have 2 copies of vbld_AddDelimValue. The second should just override the first without really causing a problem, but it could cause maintenance issues for you in the future.

Finally, just a note on style. On lines 635 and 799(781 if you deal with #2 first) you have trailing "if" modifiers. It is not required but generally considered good style to add an extra prefix tab to make these really obvious.

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