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Old 11-10-2003, 05:29 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
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There's nothing built in that can do that for you. In your VBP project, you would need to capture the timestamp of the projects' executables before the build, build the solution, compare the timestamps with the original timestamps, and if either one has changed, update the version of each project to the desired value and build again.

As to your second question, it depends on what type of incremental build capabilities VS.NET provides (I'll assume you're using VS.NET for builds since you indicated that you are using a solution) for the language you're developing in (VBP ultimately invokes the VS.NET command-line compiler to perform the actual build).

For VC++ projects, the VS.NET command-line compiler provides incremental build intelligence to (usually) only build when some source file has changed. For other .NET languages, we've found that the 'incremental build' option in VS.NET is really a misnomer. C# and VB.NET projects have an incremental build option, but even if checked, once a solution is closed and reopened after building, even if no changes were made, it will always rebuild the project (or at least regenerate the executable) when built again. I haven't seen any explanation from MS regarding this. Apparently the idea is that the compiler is so fast it doesn't matter (although it still causes problems for auto-increment version logic).
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