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Old 07-06-2006, 10:15 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: Inserting jpegs into texts

Originally posted by tfj
Where are the Info Items / Image Viewers / Item Details Panes? I must be either farsighted, stupid, or both because I can't find any of these items.
Each node in the Data Explorer and Search panes represents an Info Item:

The Item Details pane is the main UR pane that shows/edits the details of the selected info item. The viewer used in the details pane depends on the type of info item.

All I want to do is insert various jpegs or other images into the texts that I have stored. I can't seem to get to work what seems like an extremely easy procedure. If I copy the item, it won't paste into the text. It doesn't work with drag and drop either. Could someone be so kind as to explain in easy English what I am doing wrong?
It sounds like you want to copy images into an existing text info item, not create a new item for an image file (which is what will happen if you copy an image file from Windows Explorer to the UR Data Explorer tree, for instance).

Where and how are you copying/dragging the image from? Different applications provide different clipboard formats, and that will determine whether or where you can drop/paste the image into UR. Most graphics applications will provide a format, when copying an image, that can be pasted into a UR text item.

Something else that might come into play is that some versions of the Rich Edit control (used by UR to view/edit text info items) have difficulty rendering images:
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