Originally posted by xja
ok, since the tree filtering doesn't seem to be in the roadmap, can you PLEASE at least add an option to hide "completed items" and their children?
I'm sorry, was actually stated somewhere that tree filtering isn't in the roadmap? Like you (and many others), I think this is a critical missing feature from UR. It's the reason I still spend most of my time in other tools (and why many of us miss Ecco so much

I'll add that the other related missing feature is columns in the tree view. Otherwise the user is forced to click on each item (or each of their parents) to see their fields rather than seeing them all together.
So essentially what I am suggesting is we need the features of the "child items" window (filtering and columns) in the tree view. UR's semi-unique alternative for this is the Child Items window. Child Items is an interesting approach that avoids the programming difficulties of a multi-column, tree widget, but (IMHO) its just not intuitive to users and also is not as powerful as true columns and filtering in the tree view.
I'll add one of the key potential values I see in UR is the ability to add custom fields which is one of key values Ecco has/has as well. However, without tree view columns (which Ecco clearly has) their value is much less visible in UR.
Note that both of these features hide easily from new users (they don't see columns or do filtering into they learn and request it).
Finally I'll add that filtered tabs makes more sense and seems to have much more value to me than hoisted tabs (e.g. urgent items, items added in the last week).