Thread: Item Notes
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Old 07-12-2006, 07:18 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
Regarding the context menu not working, you should *replace* the riched20.dll in the UltraRecall folder (with UR not running; UR will use that one if it exists) with the one from our site, since that is what is causing the problem.

It would be interesting to know where this problem 6.0 file came from (UR itself doesn't install riched20.dll but only copies from your highest Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Officexx folder if found and you choose the option to do so during installation). Did you have an Office 2007 beta previously installed?

As far as replacing the one in your system folder, I wouldn't recommend it, but you would need to terminate all processes that are using that particular DLL (tools like Process Explorer [1]) can help with that). You also need admin rights, and Windows may revert to a cached copy even if you do replace it.

Regarding Item Notes, they're stored in the .urd file along with the rest of the data. Each item can have notes, and you can have essentially an unlimited number of items in a db. The size of a note is only limited by what the rich edit control can handle, which is also pretty large. Obviously, the more notes you add, the larger the db will become, but having a lot of notes shouldn't create any problems.

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