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Old 11-17-2003, 09:42 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
A couple options:

1) Move the BusinessLayer group into a subroutine, then use a Subroutine Call step to call the subroutine from the regular build steps (after the DataLayer steps) and the failure steps. You could also add a Set Macro step at the end of the data layer subroutine (i.e., set a temporary macro DATA_LAYER_DONE to 1), and add a conditional build rule on the Subroutine Call step on the Failure tab to build only if %DATA_LAYER_DONE% is not defined, so that if the build fails after the data layer steps have completed, those steps will not be built again.

2) Put the DataLayer steps in a separate project, then call that project from the main build with a VisBuildPro Project step, marking that step to ignore failure.
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