Merging Info Items
One usage issue I find pretty restricting in UR is the inability to merge item infos. Today, I was doing a research on roboform support for UR. I took snippets from about 30 sites and ended collecting 40 info items of type documen (UR defalt when you drag from web to tree).
Now, I want to put all these snippets in one RTF report and clean it up as a final research paper. How am I supposed to do this in UR?
I see that UR only supports merging text items and it does it in an inefficient way that is counter intuitive. Compare this to another solution where you simply multi-select items, right Clint, and select merge.
I have also read that I can export the items to a file then import the file back into UR!!!! Please, I consider such suggestion unacceptable.
How are other users managing this in UR?