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Old 11-18-2003, 11:53 AM
HudsonKane HudsonKane is online now
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Join Date: 11-18-2003
Posts: 1
Bounds Checker

for devstudio 6...
we call msdev with /EX BoundsCheckerBuildAndExit
where that is the following macro
Sub BoundsCheckerBuildAndExit()
Application.Visible = False
ExitAppOnBuildFinish = -1
End Sub
sub BoundsCheckerBuild()
Application.ExecuteCommand "BCBuild"
End Sub
Sub ChangeConfigToWin32BoundsChecker()
ChangeActiveConfiguration "Win32 BoundsChecker"
End Sub
Sub ChangeActiveConfiguration(NewConfigName)
'DESCRIPTION: Change the active configuration to the named one
' Look for a config with the specified name
i = 1
Do While i <= Application.ActiveProject.Configurations.Count
'''' Note that a configuration name is the FULL name of the
'''' configuration, in the format:
'''' ProjectName - ConfigurationName
'''' for example,
'''' Scribble - Win32 Debug
If ActiveProject.Configurations.Item(i).Name = ActiveProject.Name + " - " + NewConfigName Then
set ActiveConfiguration = ActiveProject.Configurations.Item(i)
i = ActiveProject.Configurations.Count + 1 ' e.g. break;
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
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