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Old 08-01-2006, 03:39 PM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
Ok this is what I did in order ...

1- played with all riched libaries, did not work.

2- Updated my OL to SP2, no luck.
3- Installed UR trial on a brand new machine, it worked fine. Comparing the 2 machines using 'install info' showed identical listing and versions. Issue was not component-related at this level.
4- Uninstalled IE7 B3, no luck
5- Uinstalled UR and removed FS dirs and registery entries.
6- Reinstalling UR FIXED the issue. Now, dragging text from item details, copy OL item, or using global copy hot key created a new text item with correct title and details.
7- Reinstalled IE7 B3, UR works fine.

So, step 5/6 did the trick. My original install was at least 10 months old on top of which I installed 20c. Something must've gone wrong.

I would kindly ask if you can enlighten us as to how does UR create the title and body text for the newly created item when you perform any of the above procedures?

I'm good for now. Thanks

Last edited by cnewtonne; 08-01-2006 at 03:41 PM.
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