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Old 08-12-2006, 07:38 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
Testing the Get step in VStudio.bld (after changing the 'Handling of local writeable files' option on the Flags tab to Skip), it gets all read-only files and only skips writeable files. If your step is not doing that, compare it with ours (or check the 'Show command-line...' checkbox on the Options tab of the SourceSafe action, build the step again, and compare with the one in your batch file/script).

To ignore exit code 100, either mark the step to continue on failure (this doesn't affect the behavior the ss.exe itself--see above), or use the following VBScript code in the step's vbld_StepDone script event:

If Step.BuildStatus = vbldStepStatFailed And _
   InStr(vbld_AllMacros()("LASTSTEP_OUTPUT"), "Process completed with exit code 100" & vbCrLf) > 0 Then
	Step.BuildStatus = vbldStepStatSucceeded
End If
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