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Old 12-06-2003, 08:18 PM
Rich Peters Rich Peters is online now
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Join Date: 11-20-2003
Location: Discovery Bay
Posts: 7
Unhappy Setting Ignore Failure for all subroutine steps

I am trying to set the ignore failure property for all the steps in a script. I got the code below from you some time ago.
It sets ignore for the project steps, but not the subroutine steps. The net effect is that the build stops if there is an error, which is what I am trying to prevent:

here is the script, which I have in a step at the top of the bld file:

Option Explicit

Dim objSteps, idx

Set objSteps = Project.Steps(vbldStepMain)
' set all projects steps except first one to
' ignore failure
For idx = 1 To objSteps.Count-1
objSteps(idx).IgnoreFailure = True

Set objSteps = Project.Steps(vbldStepSubroutine)
' set all projects subroutine steps to ignore failure
For idx = 0 To objSteps.Count-1
objSteps(idx).IgnoreFailure = True
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