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Old 09-01-2006, 10:46 AM
cnewtonne cnewtonne is online now
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Join Date: 07-27-2006
Posts: 534
Text Items Containing Images/RTF...Leak Data?!!!

Hi Kinook,
I have been using UR for a while and I can attest to the fact that it did boost my daily productivity. This is something I truly appreciate.

I had this incident today where I was working on a Long report containing 4 images embedded in RTF paragraphs. UR had 3 tabs open. Tab 1 contained the report. When I switched off tab 1 and back to it, all images were gone. For the first time, I gave UR the benefit of the doubt and blamed my aging brain cells for the fault. So back I put the images and continued adding text to the bottom of the report. On my next tab switch to tab 1, the image at the very bottom and text below was GONE. This translates to about 1.5 hours of composition. I was not happy at all. This time, I knew it was not me. In a hopeless struggle, I clicked save and bounced the application to no avail.

UR hurt me bad.

What happened?
Why me?
Where is my data?

Any word of consolation will be appreciated!!!
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