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Old 09-29-2006, 07:51 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: Questions before purchasing

Originally posted by Stew
In the comparison chart it says the standard version doesn't have PDF import ... is this the case or does it just not keyword PDF's or display them internally?
Actually, the only thing it doesn't do is parse for keywords (importing of contents and internal display are supported).

What about ZIP files? Can they be stored in UR standard & exported out of the system to open them? I don't need them to be keyword searched.

Can I get UR to open html in an external window ... I'm a devoted Firefox user & would prefer not to use IE (I'm sure you can do this but may as well check)?
Ctrl+J or Item | Open Document will open a web page item in your default browser. If you don't want web pages displayed internally at all, remove .html;.htm from 'Tools | Options | Browser | File extensions to display in internal browser view' (or use the Mozilla ActiveX control).

When I do upgrade to Pro will UR be able to do a sync on the URD file I created with the standard version and then have all the lovely features of the PRO version on my original URD file?

Is there anything else that I may not have thought about regarding going from standard to PRO that you think is important?
Not that I can think of.

Any features of PRO that I CAN"T do without right from the start?
I guess you'll have to be the judge of that :^).
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