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Old 10-17-2006, 04:30 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
Exporting UR data to an HTML outline

Follow these instructions to convert an Ultra Recall XML export to a numbered HTML outline, including the item title and text.

Initial Setup

1) In Ultra Recall, select one or more items in the Data Explorer pane to export.

2) Choose File | Export on the menu.

3) If the Intro page is displayed, check the Don't display option and click Next.

4) On the Select Output Type page, select Files to an XML (OML) file and click Next.

5) On the Select Attributes page, click Uncheck All, then include the Item Text attribute by clicking on the blank checkbox next to it, and click Next.

6) On the Select Destination page, enter the export path plus filename of outline.xml (i.e., c:\HTMLExport\outline.xml), check the Export child items (recursive) and Open Explorer window after export checkboxes, and enter a name (i.e., "HTML Outline") in the Save setting as field.

7) Download and unzip the attached ZIP file (at the bottom of this post) to the folder containing outline.xml (this only needs to be done the first time).

Note: In the future, select these settings in the Use saved settings field on step #4 and just click Next for steps #4 through #6, or automate by exporting from the command-line.

Converting to HTML

Double-click on ConvertToOutline.vbs in the folder containing outline.xml to convert to HTML and view in a browser.

To publish, copy or upload outline.html to a web server.

Advanced Options

By default, items are numbered. To remove numbering, change the line

<xsl:param name="numbering">yes</xsl:param>
in outline.xslt to

<xsl:param name="numbering">no</xsl:param>
The numbering format can also be changed by modifying the line (see notes in outline.xslt):

<xsl:number level="multiple" count="outline" format="1"/>
and re-run ConvertToOutline.vbs.
Attached Files
File Type: zip (1.9 KB, 8302 views)
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